Fall is beautiful.
One of my favorite times of the year.
I think it's quite possible I say that about every season. I love the spring when everything is in bloom, I love summer because of the sunshine, winter is gorgous in it's pure white beauty. So I suppose, it's no surprise that I find the golden colors, crisp air and crunchy leaves beautiful.
This is the time of year to embrace though, really it is. Just before the brutal cold and grey skies roll in, take advantage of being out and about.
The Dragon and I spent the weekend doing just that, enjoying the unseasonable weather and each other. We felt like kids again at the apple orchard.
Drinking fun apple cider (in pumpkin sippers) while picking our peck of apples. The orchard was full of kids, apples and fun! There was so much to do we could fit it all in.
We started at the U-Pick station where we tried every apple we picked and filled the bag to the brim. For someone who thought picking apples was going to be manual labor, I thought the Dragon actually had a bit of fun!
We headed to the pumpkin patch next. Finding a perfect match for my own knight and shining armor.
This big guy (the pumpkin) weighed about 50 pounds! And the dragon decided we just HAD to take it home.
There are big plans in store for this guy, a face and eating of lots of seeds to name a few.
After finding our pumpkins we did a little shopping and left the orchard with bacon, apple butter, blackberry and peach pie, and an assortment of cheeses.
I think we did pretty good.
After heading back to the car with our goodies, we decided to get a bit to eat and found ourselves in Lake Geneva.
Overall a beautiful fall day, a great guy and a whole lotta apples!