Our first stop was the Art Fest in Barrington. It was a great morning to head out and looking at all the art, jewelry and sculptures was a lot of fun. I must say though, Dragon's art is way better than many of what was out there. Maybe I'm a little bias.
On our way home we stopped to get supplies for dinner. During the stop he picked up a little surprise for me. Aren't they beautiful?
I was so excited he'd be making his famous (to me) salmon. It is delicious! He tried it a little differently this time around with lemon and dill. It was fantastic.
Melt in your mouth fantastic!
With some brussel sprouts and bacon on the grill we had a wonderfully romantic evening.
The man even watched a chick flick! We curled up on the couch and watched a movie, drank some good wine and finally enjoyed an evening together. It was simple perfection.
What ever did I do to deserve this Dragon?!