Monday, August 8, 2011

A Year Ago...

One year ago I didn't know the Dragon.
I didn't live in Chicago, work at WGN/CLTV or
A year ago I was living in Boise, attending yoga class nearly every day and I was single.

August 8, 2010 I was headed back to Chicago, preparing for heartache and sadness. Looking back, it was all of those things and after a year the healing has only begun. There are still dozens of unanswered questions.

Why didn't I make it home in time?
How could I have missed the signs?
Did I do the right thing?

It isn't easy to move past losing someone, without truly getting to say goodbye. But looking back over the past year it's really been a learning experience. Moving home, allowing someone new in my life, letting isn't easy, but it's real.

Today, I'm in a much better place. I have a good job, a wonderful man and being at home with family is something I wouldn't trade for the world. Sure there are things I'd like to change, (that extra five pounds that has joined my hips over the past year could scram) but I think Papa would be proud. I hope he would.

I leave you with this, to start your week:

"This week you're probably going to meet some strangers, greet people you think you know, and spend time with others you'd swear you know like your own self.  Keep this in mind: we never really know what's going on in someone's heart or mind, nor what they have been through. Tread lightly with this; speak your truth, but do so with love, sincerity, and a clear understanding that your presence and word choices could very well define the remainder of someone's lifetime."
-The Walking Circle

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful, Meg! Papa is looking down and is very proud of you indeed. There are things in all our lives we always will question...did I do the right thing, why is this happening, do our loved ones really know what they mean to us and how much we love them? We can only do our best to show them how we feel while we and they are here...and you absolutely did that.
